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Your Journey Through Berachain Challenges

Quest States

Every quest in Cub Quests goes through three exciting stages:

  1. Upcoming: The anticipation builds
  2. Live: The challenge is on
  3. Ended: The legend remains

Each stage offers a unique experience, from the thrill of anticipation to the rush of participation and the pride of accomplishment. Let's explore what each stage means for your questing journey!

Upcoming Quests

Get ready for new adventures! Upcoming quests are visible but their contents are hidden. A countdown timer shows when they'll be available. Keep an eye out and prepare to jump in when the timer hits zero!

Live Quests

The action is happening now! Live quests are open for completion within a set timeframe. Dive into social and on-chain challenges, explore the Berachain ecosystem, and earn unique badges upon successful completion. Don't miss your chance to participate!

Ended Quests

These quests have concluded, but their legacy lives on. While no longer completable, ended quests remain visible as a testament to past challenges. Only those who conquered these quests during their active period can claim the coveted badges. Did you make the cut?